the quest 3 is worth a buy same like the pico 4...
but the difference and huge thing is the depth sensors and its all in color...which pico 4 lacks.
the passthrough is similar to pico 4 but sligthly better in any way cause of depth and scale is 1:1 and you just feel immersed while in passthrough...
in pico 4 you dont gonna have such level of immersed when in passthrough.
but pico 4 is enough for porn in passthrough too and its rly nice too.
quest 3 has just has more possibility which still in progress when it comes to passthrough ar porn...
like your hands infront of object and tittis or your dick which probably will be possible soon. ^^
and or if you put a model behind reallife objects then it will stay there and behind those objects...
same is probably possible with pico 4 too but you need to learn unity or unreal and do everything manually if want achieve this.
that why depth sensor is a must thing and just worth. it makes everything much simple for user...