doublevr Let me know if you have any other ideas.
Make a video on what to download and show how to start it. What it should look like. What buttons to push. What happens when you do.
Again I have read this "Making tutorial for those trying to script" multiple times. It might make scene to the people that have already scripted before. But for someone that hasn't done it, it very confusing. (at least for me) I'm a visual learner. If I can't see it being done and I hit a part that I don't understand then I don't know what to do next. I could not get it to even start from reading those exact tutorials. I would make scripts if I could just download a program and start. Maybe I can but it didn't look like it. Thats the problem is I don't know what I was downloading. It was asking if I was using this for school and things like that. I had no idea what I was suppose to be answering. Maybe it's just me but if you just took the time to remake a better tutorial then maybe you could get more scripters.
Am I the only one that could not figure out how to get the whole scripting thing started? If I am then could someone walk me throw on how to get started. I have free time at night to do it.