bacula8630 they might have been color correcting it or cutting it off before
Production & Post-production Feedback
spacepirate Yeah, I think something has definitely changed in the way they process the footage.
bacula8630 Has the revised Classical Trio been released?
I can't find it, has it been taken down again?
5cents Has the revised Classical Trio been released?
It was. I downloaded it yesterday or the day before. But I don’t see it available now. Maybe they’re fixing it?
bacula8630 Ok, thanks.
alexnash the suspense is killing me
spacepirate me too lol
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What happened with Raw Taboo: Mean Sis, i don't see scene anywhere on site, did you also remove it to comply with new rules, or some other reason?
mirdumar What happened with Raw Taboo: Mean Sis, i don't see scene anywhere on site, did you also remove it to comply with new rules, or some other reason?
I believe it's currently being re-rendered, but I don't have an ETA. Hopefully back up soon.
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justsomedude101 Thanks for answering.
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Hi guys,
I wasn’t sure where to post this. I have some feedback on a few of @alexnash’s recent scenes. I thought about leaving them in the comment section of the individual scenes, but I wasn’t sure he read them. So I decided to post this here. If this is incorrect, I’m happy to post feedback in the appropriate place in the future.
Anyways, Alex. This is mostly pertains to the scenes “Classical Trio”, “Raw Taboo: Pussy Play”, and “Her Innocent Intern”.
I noticed you often use seated cowgirl. Personally, I don’t feel this a great position for VR. The girl’s torso usually ends up being very close. In real life, this is not a huge concern, because your vertical FOV is close to 180 degrees. And you can take in her whole body. But with a VR headset, vertical FOV usually hovers around 90 degrees. Depending on the headset. So you constantly need to move your head up and down to see her face, the penetration, her tits.
Speaking of tits, if the girl starts to bounce up and down too much. Her torso becomes a big blur. And you can’t really take in her beauty. Which is another reason I don’t really like seated cowgirl. Lying cowgirl is much more preferable.
Now this is the same regardless of who shoots this position. But your seated cowgirl, along with this particular male performer, the camera seems a little too close. Most directors make the male move his hips forward towards the edge of the cushion so the guy can lean back as far as possible. Which you appear to be doing. But it still feels closer than other studio’s seated cowgirl.
Is it possible to move the camera module closer to the guy’s face? Perhaps a little higher too. And maybe slightly tilt the camera module back? Maybe 10-15 degrees. I think that would help.
I noticed the same thing with the laying cowgirl with this particular male performer as well. IDK if he has a shorter torso. But camera feels a hair too close and low. Like my chin is pressed against my sternum. I think raising the camera module even an inch would be better. I also notice some of the laying cowgirl had the camera module level with the horizon. With absolutely no tilt backwards. This leaves absolutely no room for the actress to lean in while riding you before the top of her hair gets cut off. I would really like to see the camera tilted back about 15 degrees.
All minor tweaks. But I think they would improve the viewing experience.
Now, for the topic I’m kinda hesitant to bring up. The armpit thing. I know some of the guys really like it. A couple of them I’ve known for years in this, and other forums. I consider them to be forum friends. And I certainly don’t want to rain on their parade. But they’re just too much of it for my tastes. But not just that. But the seemingly random nature of it.
If the armpit licking occurs naturally. Say one of girls is riding cowgirl. Another girl starts kissing and sucking her tits. And she moves up towards the armpit and starts licking it. That’s fine. I can work with that. It makes sense. But in “Classical Trio”. All three women are standing in front of you. They all stare right at the camera. Lift their arm up and start licking their own armpit.
That’s bordering on comical to me. If I saw that in real life, I would think these women are aliens, and they’re about to suck out my soul or something!
I’m Ok with the occasional armpit action. As long as it happens organically. And not just some random event that comes out of nowhere. But I feel like you’re treating it like any other staple sex position. Like BJ, cowgirl, doggie, missionary, etc…I think this kink is pretty niche. And I don’t feel it needs to be in every scene. Sorry armpit guys.
Anyways, I apologize for the super long post Alex. And I hope you take this feedback in the spirit it is given. As constructive criticism. Not some mean spirited rant. From what I can see, you are very open to feedback. And you’re always trying to improve. Which is a great attitude to have. Not just in your job, but your entire life.
So if you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a pleasant evening.
bacula8630 spot on
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bacula8630 The armpit thing.
just too much of it for my tastes.
seemingly random nature of it.
Yes, I fully agree. I’ve also brought this up. It has become a mechanical part of the checklist now and just seems like it’s getting called out as direction — it’s pretty easy to spot when it happens too. It doesn’t feel natural and it just pulls me straight out of the scene.
Now imagine in the throes of sex a girl puts her arms up in ecstasy, pheromones are pumping, her face is wild with lust and another girl goes from sucking on her nipple to burying her nose into it naturally and moaning satisfaction about how sexy she smells right now. Now that would feel real. That would quite likely take me over the edge, like seeing a soaking wet pussy does. But this regular forced “smell and lick my pits thing” that is happening out of the blue in every scene just turns me off. I stop watching every time because I’m worried another round of it is coming again shortly. Ugh.
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noticed you often use seated cowgirl. Personally, I don’t feel this a great position for VR. The girl’s torso usually ends up being very close. In real life, this is not a huge concern, because your vertical FOV is close to 180 degrees. And you can take in her whole body. But with a VR headset, vertical FOV usually hovers around 90 degrees. Depending on the headset. So you constantly need to move your head up and down to see her face, the penetration, her tits.
Speaking of tits, if the girl starts to bounce up and down too much. Her torso becomes a big blur. And you can’t really take in her beauty. Which is another reason I don’t really like seated cowgirl. Lying cowgirl is much more preferable.
Now this is the same regardless of who shoots this position. But your seated cowgirl, along with this particular male performer, the camera seems a little too close. Most directors make the male move his hips forward towards the edge of the cushion so the guy can lean back as far as possible. Which you appear to be doing. But it still feels closer than other studio’s seated cowgirl.
I love seated cowgirl, but they could learn something from LethalHardcoreVR, who IMO shot it best.
bacula8630 I noticed you often use seated cowgirl. Personally, I don’t feel this a great position for VR.
Wow! This post expresses my exact thoughts. I find the 'seated cowgirl' so uncomfortable to watch, and I always skip it unfortunately. Meanwhile, my preferred position is the 'laying cowgirl' alongside the 'closeup missionary' which I think it is a must in every scene.
Rustam1990 The latest Raw Taboo: Mean Sis was an almost-nashterpiece
Rustam1990 the reason why this isn't a Nashterpiece for me is that the lighting was unfortuately quite poor, especially the ending CG portion.
@alexnash @Mutiny
I agree that the once the girls moved to the bedroom the shadows were interfering with the viewing enjoyment of the show. Had to skip forward to some of the closer shots in order to feel immersed again. I subbed to Darkroom VR a few months ago and after a few trial runs watching their vids, I immediately deleted all their content from my HD due to this type of lighting issue, (Also the content was a bit too rough around the edges for my taste.) .... To be clear though, I do think dramatic lighting if done with real precision and artistic intent can absolutely elevate a shoot. But it needs to be well thought out and carefully produced to highlight and spotlight the sexy parts etc....
This is a bit of tangent,... but for instance watch the first five minutes of Wankz: The Wanking Dead: Return of the Slayer
(Not available on SLR yet apparently)
Some of the best use of lighting to create a mood that I have seen in VR to date. I hope we can see more of this type of stuff in future VR productions.
Pit fans around the world right now
No, for real though. I love (like, seriously, LOVE) the armpit stuff that Nash has been doing. It's been around in his scenes for over 2 years now (there was armpit licking since Blake and Laney, if not even before that)
It became a staple and generally speaking always highly commented and complimented on in the comments of the scenes. And not even by me, but by other fellow pit fans. I, myself, was actually surprised at the armpit renaissance we were having. Didn't know there were so many people like me out there =)
But yeah, in recent scenes, it's been dialed up more. For the record, I adore it, and bless Nash for catering to people's fetishes and kinks. He's one of the few VR creators who's doing armpit stuff. I see some armpit-centric action on SinsVR, SexBabesVR, NA, and CzechVR sometimes, but not to the level that Nash is doing.
But too much of one thing always has its price. Naturally, of course I'm disappointed to see so much negative dialogue about it lately. And it's hard to speak up about it because I don't want to get kink-shamed. Which of course, that is not at all what bacula8630 or @argyle43 are doing. Y'all are being very respectful, so no ill-feelings whatsoever.
I just hope that the armpit stuff doesn't go away, and there can be a nice middle-ground. I actually don't really care for armpit dirty talk in the scenes. I don't care for "narration" dirty talk in general. I much prefer it to just happen, instead of the women describing every action. Perhaps that will help and make things more subtle when they flash their pits to the camera and so forth. For me, the idea of armpits is an intimacy and pheromone thing. It's something that I associate sensuality and closeness with. I love seeing them up close, with their breasts hanging just below, and their eyes staring back at me just above. I know it's a little "different" but I guess that's just me
Anyways, I think that's all I'll say about the matter. Just felt like speaking up for my fellow armpit brethren
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You look at these screens and you immediately notice that they are still too dark. All Nash scenes lately are too dark.
You just need more light for proper VR porn, it's that simple. People want to actually see these beautiful girls.