AlterEgo Appropriate gif lol. Same mang!
But yes, I noticed the audio-sync as well during close-up mish. It looks to fix itself afterwards though.
Regarding scale, it is much better now compared to the first SLR canon releases. Heck, compared to other canon releases on other studios it is noticeably smaller too. Now sure how it was achieved but it's a winner imo. Plus the clarity... being on a Pimax 8KX, I've been hoping for the day that where these true 8k scenes would become viable again, and I can't tell you how much of bump in clarity this scene is from the standard k2. I can see the sweat, skin pores, hair, so much clearer.
If other folks are good with this scale, I think this needs to be implemented on future scenes pronto. Not sure if past scenes are salvageable either (I guess it depends on if it was a hardware hack or a post production hack), but definitely going forward... canon all the way.