Rock their world, boss.

Your fan-girls Kitty and Celestina will do anything for you; "Fucking a Rock God", and cheering with their pussies felt so far out of reach to them, just before the show. But here they are. Sucking and worshipping your fucking hard cock. 🎸🤘🔥

Stepdaughter needs your help for school!

Will you show your stepdaughter Melody how to get "Raw taboo: Top Marks"? She doesn't want to keep bothering mom; so if you have time, help her experience and feel the right answers inside sex education. 📖📑🤫

@Marta @justsomedude101 Can someone clarify what the release schedule is? Monday's been a regular day, but not this week. The Luna + Pristine scene had been on the upcoming page to be released today but that got removed sometime this weekend. The upcoming thumbnails are no longer posted and date rarely appear when they are.

There used to be regular release days: Mon-Wed-Fri-Sat. Lately it's been 3 scenes a week, Friday has been dropped. All I'm asking is to know when scenes are going to be released and for the thumbnails to always show 4 or 5 releases ahead, like it used to be. I like this site a lot, it's why I bought a lifetime membership.

I'm not taking a shot at anyone. I am genuinely interested in knowing when the content I like is going to be on more of a regular release schedule. Thanks.

    Docotto Maybe the Lexi+Pristine is so long (2h18min last time I checked) that they found something in it requiring some fixing?

      Rustam1990 Sure, absolutely. But instead of removing it from Upcoming without an explanation, put a banner on it that says "Delayed for technical issues" and in place of a date, just say "Soon".

      I agree that the SLRO upcoming scenes section is not handled very well recently in terms of managing subscriber's expectations. Sometimes completely empty as if there was nothing in the pipeline at all, sometimes announced scenes will be removed without an explanation. It is more confusing than helpful and taking away something that was promised has a great potential of causing dissatisfaction in people. I am also not filing a complaint here, just pointing out where there is some room for improvement.

        thebigd24 Looks like Wed/Fri/Sat releases scheduled for this week instead of Mon/Wed/Sat (and sometimes a 4th on Friday).

        I don't have any more info on why the change-up for this week, but looks to be a one-off.

        SchnuppiLilac spacepirate

        We're continually working on a lot of stuff on the back-end, but to be perfectly transparent I don't have any ETA on the "Upcoming Releases" page in terms of consistentcy. Hopefully some day sooner rather than later.


        Phillip was great and managed a lot of things, but the Upcoming Releases page wasn't one of them. That one is pretty much coincidental.

          justsomedude101 is there something preventing you guys from having lets say 3+ upcoming scenes listed at all times? youve got countless scenes in the pipeline and many of those would be ready to be released. surely someone can spare 2 minutes of their day to keep the list updated?

            spacepirate I've passed the request along. I'd also like to see it consistently list upcoming scenes, even if for now it's just thumbnails with no specific dates.

              It also appears that the upcoming script section is still busted and if understood correctly it’s actually blocking the ones on that list from being released.

              justsomedude101 We're continually working on a lot of stuff on the back-end

              justsomedude101 Hopefully some day

              Attention and time are finite resources. If you try to do 100 things simultaneously, each of them only gets 1% of your capacity. This is an example of why we complain about SLR trying to do (and include) too much - it dilutes overall quality in favor of superficial gains in quantity. It isn't that we want to deny anyone their cool new thing (like passthrough, for instance) it's that we notice that it is difficult to do that and also maintain expected levels of basic functionality.

              justsomedude101 Not your fault, you’re just very responsive to questions and concerns: why no releases at all this week? I keep seeing pictures and posts about scenes that have been shot that look amazing, but so far nothing. It’s disappointing. Why is there radio silence on this (yourself excluded)? It’s not too much to ask for a definitive answer from whoever knows what’s behind the delays.

              justsomedude101 OK, spoke too soon. I'm glad to see the Luna+Pristine scene. :-)

              I really wish we could get back to a regular schedule and and the upcoming scenes updated regularly.