To be clear, it's the banking institutions that have drawn that line. Some studios/producers are either unconcerned or don't realize and are getting away with it for now, but if you lose credit card processors, you're out of business. It sucks, but it's the world we live in right now.
Here are a couple of recent tweets from Jessica Ryan about it. She's talking about what she can put on her own website.
(Someone replied that maybe we could get away with it if we called it "step-piss" since that seems to work for incest scenarios. 🤷 )
And yeah, SLR takes compliance seriously. Even though this is fantasy, concepts like consent are absolute hard lines.
But there's having standards and there's being compelled to self-censor and the reality is — banking institutions have us by the balls, and we did NOT consent to that.
(Edit: I want to emphasize that I'm not saying this to whine, but to encourage all of us to talk about this. The only way it changes is public pressure, and that takes everyone doing our part.)