Rakly3 This. Any chance they spent 20k and got a hold of a FM Duo to interpolate? I thought that camera was dead but saw it mentioned in an interview a few months back.
__> Our most important [hardware] products are VR cameras. Released internationally now is the FM DUO: it’s a 12K full-frame VR camera, and now in China, it’s become the standard for doing super high-resolution 8K live streams. That’s what we’ve been up to a lot, working with ByteDance and the other big tech giants in China and soon around the world, helping them to create amazing high-quality VR live streams.
Wilson: We first use our camera to capture the 12K video, that is the original fisheye lens video and we have then two ways to deal with these videos. We can stitch them in the camera or use a higher algorithm to produce better image quality. We use PC GPU, to perform the super sampling from 12K to 8K. It gets better quality than native 8K.
Wilson: We hope that many professionals will be using our camera. Regarding the technical specs, it’s a dual full frame sensor and it can capture 12K video and it can do embedded stitching and live streaming. Then we also use a feature, we call it super sampling from 12K to 8K, that gives the very best image quality for live streaming or recording.We have some software support for recording and live streaming and then you can do the real-time stitching for 12K to 8K and do some image optimization and stitching. We think it’s a very professional machine for those high-end users that want to do live streaming and some other recording or something.
Wilson: For the sensor. There are two full-frame sensors inside the camera, each can capture 8,000 square pixels at the same time and so we can combine the two lengths together. It’s about 12K by 6K.
Wilson: Frame rate… currently we’re using 30 fps but actually it can record in 8K 60 frames per second and it’s very good for some sports scenes and some other faster movements.
Nikk: We record for ByteDance in these concerts and we do it in 30 frames per second because this way we can record in 12K. Even though the final view on the headset is 8K but because it’s a 12K film downsampled to 8K, it’s going to be higher quality.
Nikk: This is for professionals but we have plans in the future to create a model… Currently, this camera sells for almost $20,000 and we have plans for another model coming out that we want to be cheaper and we also want it to be more accessible._