ZENRA I know 🙂
It was more a response meant for LordCash, but on your comment.
There is no such obscenity law for porn in most European countries. People just don't care. That's kind of the point...
There literally is. I only know this because I happen to be looking into Belgian laws around porn. It doesn't have a specified list of what this includes, however. I know it does include bestialities, necrophilia, enactment of sexual abuse.
(S&M is not sexual abuse. At the same time, sexual abuse doesn't have to be physical.)
Edit, found it. Art. 417/51
Production or distribution of content of an extremely pornographic or violent nature
- The production or distribution of content of an extremely pornographic or violent nature is the display, offering, selling, renting, broadcasting, supplying, distribution, making available, handing over, manufacturing or importing, by any means whatsoever, content of an extremely pornographic or violent nature.
- Extreme is understood to mean any content that is so pornographic or violent that it is of a nature to produce traumatizing or other psychologically harmful consequences for a normal and reasonable person.
- This crime is punishable by imprisonment of one month to two years and by a fine of two hundred euros to two thousand euros.
and also partially Art. 417/43 (depiction of a real or non-existent minor, or acting as a minor, is illegal.)
- Any material that involves the visual representation in any way of a person who looks like a minor and who participates in real or simulated explicit sexual conduct, or that involves the representation of that person's genitals for primarily sexual purposes;
- Realistic images depicting a non-existent minor participating in explicit sexual behaviour, or representing the sexual organs of that minor for primarily sexual purposes.
Source: https://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/cgi_loi/change_lg.pl?language=nl&la=N&cn=1867060801&table_name=wet