My office used to have its Christmas parties on the last Friday night before Christmas. Everyone would get drunk, create drama, and let off steam. It was completely needed, and raucously fun.
Now, they have moved our Christmas party to midday on a random Monday two weeks before Christmas. The reason is to stop all of the above.
In the spirit of what Christmas is supposed to be, I invite you now to get things off your chest. Speak your Christmas truths.
Please do not use foul language or insult people needlessly. Be completely respectful and dignified. That said, also say what you mean, and mean what you say. Without freedom of speech, what are we? Just look around the world to have an obvious answer to that question.
To VirtualRealPorn
You have been with us since VR's debut in 2015. Unfortunately, you do not seem to have updated your production values since then. You have access to the hottest girls in porn, yet you still have scaling issues, off-centre shots, poor film quality, and zero close-up missionary or other intimate positions we have come to expect in 2022. Most of the time, your point of view is positioned approximately two metres away from the girl. It is no better than 2D porn. Furthermore, you have no marketing liaison here on SLR, so you never reply to comments on your videos, and therefore you give no indication that anyone is ever being heard. Not only do you not improve, you don't even pretend to want to improve by giving feedback as a basic courtesy. You are a terrible company, and you make terrible VR porn. I honestly don't know how you are still in business.
For contrast, a fantastic company from a customer perspective is VRHush, who always sends someone to respond to comments, no matter what. The result is that people are warm to that company. Who'd have thought that by treating people decently, a positive result is gained? Please learn by positive example.
To the guy who runs perVRt
People have been criticizing your VR porn since day one. Your response has always been anger and denial. Now, you have disabled comments on all your videos. All you have to do to make better VR porn is listen to people and adjust your methods to give them what they want. People are literally telling you what they want. All you have to do is set your ego aside and accommodate their wishes. Then, everyone is happy. Instead, you have disabled comments on all your videos.
I have read a book by Iain McGilchrist called "The Master and His Emissary". In that book, he explains how the left brain hemisphere has no concept that it can possibly be wrong, and can only argue from its current position, rejecting all feedback it receives which does not concur with its own worldview. You are acting as a classic left brain. Please allow the right brain to kick in and modify your stance so you can produce things people actually like without being such a prima donna about it.
To SLR Originals
You were once a shining beacon in the VR porn world. Your pinnacle, in my opinion, was around a year ago with Since then, you have experimented with 190° fish eye which has been an unmitigated disaster, and universally reviled for its terrible scaling proportions. You have since reverted to 200°, but have let go of the production values you accumulated during your heyday. I have downloaded virtually zero of your productions in the last 6 months. Before that, I collected pretty much everything you made. How could you have the keys to the kingdom, yet throw it all away? By being an effective monopoly on the VR world, you are accountable to no one. You can release crap and people will still pay the subscription. But you are accountable to me, and anyone else who tells the truth. This is simply not good enough. You had it once; you can have it again... if you want it.
Feels good to get things off my chest. Now it's your turn. 🙂