Nothing yet.
If I get my hands on a unit, I'll do a full porn-centric review.
From what I can gather so far:
VR Porn wise, and this applies to everyone here:
If you're super horny for VR Porn:
Stick with the Quest 2.
If you can afford it, Get the G2.
If you have money lying around and like easy listening, PiMax. (Do not get if you listen to metal. Neck will be too weak for this beast)
If you can wait, I'd wait for DeoVR's app to be released before ordering.
I've been going through the forum and discord. So far, they don't have a unit to test on.
They DID have a release for the Pico 3. One user asked in like April, and they only now got a reply.
The Pico 3 DeoVR app was released in June -ish. Depending on where you are, it's in the store, or not.
So ... uhm ... guh?
The good news is, there is someone handling the discord and forum now. We're all waiting.
Could be 2 weeks, could be 2 months.
Oh, and if you're in North America. Probably better to wait or go with Quest 2. There may be no North American release. But, side-loading might work.
I'm looking for other ways to play 3D videos on the unit. Perhaps put them in the movies folder and play with the native app.
If I do happen to get one to try, I'll give a full break down, with Handy integration, skin tones washed out or not, etc etc. We're such a niche audience.
Another thing to consider, apparently when the processor gets hot, fan kicks in and blows on your face? This could dry out contact lenses. A lot of testers haven't received their units yet, so this could just be hearsay.