doublevr For me it is a meaningless debate. I like to watch VR porn, movies or series, with the highest picture quality.
But companies impose streaming crap on us, Netflix looks crappy compared to a Blu-ray 4K, and porn looks crappy on streaming, compared to the downloaded version. Even more so VR, where realism is the most important thing. If the image looks blurry and sometimes there is stuttering, it breaks the immersion. Not to mention the energy and Internet costs of constantly streaming. And the cut in rights it means for the paying consumer.
Mandatory streaming is the greatest technological absurdity of our time. As an option it's fine for lazy people who don't mind watching movies and porn with mediocre quality. Wanting to impose it seems very irritating to me.
The same as VR with smartphone quality that Facebook wants to impose on us now with its Quest, and the 10-year setback in the graphic quality and depth of games..
Streaming is only an advantage for the companies and for the lazy or casual, and a defeat for those of us who want the highest image quality with no strings attached.