Or you could perhaps allow yourself to get immersed in the way these directors and performers connect with the viewer. When it’s working, it really doesn’t matter that you can’t see genitals or clear penetration - you’re too focused connecting through facial cues. Kinda like real life is.

    Philip I'm protesting here because you take a portion of the money that I pay you to support censorship. And don't deny it, that's exactly what you do, no matter how you try to spin it. And I don't give a fuck about Japanese law in general, that's their own issue how to deal with porn in their country. As long as neither my money nor my personal interests are not involved, I don't care so there's no point in protesting in front of any Japanese embassy. That's what I mean when I say that you still don't understand what this is actually about.

    Anyway, please just take it as honest feedback from your customers instead and deal with it like any professional business entity would do (with respect) instead of shouting your own customers down with pointless allegations. Whether you agree with them or not doesn't matter at all. I fear your boss wasn't really a good role model lately...

      Philip what will SLR ever do without the portion of his money that <gasp> you used to support censorship? Never mind the excellent JAV scene the rest of us got where we connected with Melody in ways few other scenes with her have provided.

      Never mind though. You used a portion of my money to support the latter and I’m good with it so it’s a wash 🥳

      LordCrash You seem to think more than there is actually things happening, and I'm not sure it's good. We are not government that taxes you no matter what, your support here is voluntarily 👍

        Yes, when I give feedback, it's about me, smartass. Same is true for everybody else here, including you. Shocking, I know...

        Philip lol who are you trying to kid, you won’t refrain from the discussions. You’re too emotional.

          RockyMtHigh Just trying to explain things, but people seem to choose to ignore it and insult our team instead 🤷

            Philip I know exactly who I am and I wrote it down in perfect clarity: I'm a customer giving feedback.

            I'm not sure what's so hard to understand about that concept but (a substantial portion of) SLR staff seems to have a hard time understanding and dealing with customer feedback in general, based on a quick look on this whole board. And no, you don't explain anything, you simply ignore what other people say and just repeat the stuff that everybody already knows. That's the opposite of listening...

            Anyway, like I already said, you don't have to discuss with me and I don't except any change of course on your end. Just accept the feedback and do with it whatever you want. I'm out.

            Philip you said you wouldn’t continue the conversation, but you are. Just pointing that out.

            argyle43 When it’s working, it really doesn’t matter that you can’t see genitals or clear penetration - you’re too focused connecting through facial queues.

            Tried it before, does not work.

            Actually I watched quite a bit of JAV before the days of VR, and I actually didn´t mind the censoring all that much. Sure I didn´t like it, but it was no big deal.

            This is totally different with VR. Anytime you only see a fraction of the censored parts, it takes you immediately out of the scene.

            And while for example I was a bit disappointed, that the recent foursome was from female POV, I of course can understand that there might be people enjoying this, and I can certainly not complain about a lack of male POV scenes.

            But I am pretty sure there is noone that likes censoring, even if some people might be less offended by it then others.

            So yeah, seeing Melody Marks in a censored video feels like a big waste of time, effort and money, and yeah it makes me kinda angry.
            Sure you can not change laws in Japan from outside, but there is literally no reason to shoot Melody Marks, a non Japanese actress in Japan just so you have to censor it.
            There is no reason you can not shoot her in "Japanese style" outside of Japan and at least give the rest of the world the uncensored pleasure.
            Poor Japanese still had to live with the censored version, but if anyone can change the Japanese laws it is the Japanese voters.

              ibins fair points. Somehow the censorship doesn’t ruin it for me and I still quickly get immersed. I guess I’m just lucky with this. There’s plenty of other content and styles that I equally hate … non-POV for example. I’d never presume to demand that it doesn’t get made. After all, the money I pay is just a small fraction of what goes in. If the audience isn’t there and the streams/downloads don’t happen, then I guess that will be what drives the future of this initiative. So far I’m for it. My one voice.

                argyle43 I say JAV female pornstars have more length in single position scenes without cuts than western scenes. Jav pornstars are crazy performers so that bypasses the mosiac censoring for me. (edited)

                  I think it's pretty easy to see that this kind of videos are shot for the Japanese market, which is where they want to test, because it moves a lot of money.

                  If this venture works and SLR makes money in Japan, that money will be used to make more and better uncensored videos here. So if these videos succeed in Japan, it will also benefit all you.

                  On the other hand I am subscribed to SLR and a couple of other western VR services and.... 90% of the VRs I watch is JAV. Its immersion, naturalness, and natural bodies with girls who dress and behave like normal girls, for me outweighs the disappointment of censorship, something my brain has accepted and can ignore without any problem.

                  I understand that others can't ignore it just like I can't watch anything with fake tits or piercings (another reason why I watch more JAV), and it's respectable, but understand that the world doesn't only revolve around western uncensored VR porn.

                  My full support to the JAV Originals. It will be the only reason I will re-subscribe when the subscription runs out, now that I have totally lost interest in the western SLR Originals of the last months.

                    Natch If this venture works and SLR makes money in Japan, that money will be used to make more and better uncensored videos here. So if these videos succeed in Japan, it will also benefit all you.

                    Sure, maybe. But if it doesn't work they'll lose money over there and they'll probably have less funds to make more and better actual porn here. Even the whole company might be in danger and I don't think anybody would benefit from that. It really works both ways.

                    Punksxc Jav, euro and czech pornstars are the best performers.

                    That's so ignorant and generalizing that it hurts. There are good performers anywhere, your nationality doesn't define whether you're a good performer or not. If anything, there might be certain production trends and certain customer trends in various countries that influence the way porn scenes are shot but that has nothing to do with the abilities of certain talents. I think I might know what you wanted to say but that statement of yours above is just bull (and by the way, Czech perfomers ARE euro performers...).

                      LordCrash SLR will do great in japan. You should praising SLR not saying the whole company might go bust. Be a little optimistic.

                        Punksxc Since I have zero insight into their business prospects acutally neither in Japan nor anywhere else I'm not positive, but absolutely neutral about this, Just stating the facts here. But I do hope that they made a good business plan and that everything works as planned and that at least the existing operation won't get in jeopardy by such a business (ad)venture.

                        For those complaining about 'censorship' in JAV, do note that even today due to various reasons that go well beyond this thread, JAV studios may interpret the country's obscenity law as 'cover privates with pixels', but have WAY more creative freedom in their movies than the west. There are many types of JAV movies shot even now that would get the axe by most any western processor. I may not speak for everyone, but if I had to choose no mosaic and heavy plot limitations or mosaic censorship and near freedom to shoot what one wants because we're all consenting adults, I'll pick the latter.

                          ZENRA 💯💯💯 I’ve been trying to say much the same thing. JAV directors and creators have raised the bar creatively and performers too, I think precisely because they have to blur out the dirty bits. As a result there are JAV scenes I’ve watched that are magnitudes of order hotter than anything I’ve ever seen produced on this side.