catflap All they are is digital bragging rights
Maybe right now that’s all they are, but as I’ve said above the potential for what NFTs can be has not yet even been scratched. There’s a AAA FPS game under development (will be Unreal Engine 5) where purchased weapons, armor, and other in-game items will be NFTs. This means you can prove ownership of said items (until such time as a better player takes them from you) and re-sell or trade them on the marketplace, potentially for profit. As the CEO loves to say, imagine acquiring a killer weapon and being able to look back at its ownership history to find it once belonged to a prominent gamer on YouTube or Twitch, or to a major celebrity. This means not only is it possible to get sunken gaming costs back out, but skilled players will be able to make a very good living playing the game.
This is just a single killer use case. Don’t be so quick to write off blockchain, crypto, and NFTs people. These things haven’t even begun to change our world, but ten years from now everything will be different.