bruce rawrzy Hey. Please send email to We need your SLR email to check what's wrong.
sitemper doublevr Awesome! Could you add / edit the links to the tutorial? The Dropbox link does not work (anymore)...
withy doublevr Nice! I have made lots of those lol So, we just log in with our regular username/password?
3cmbick2 I have installed the dot net 6 frame work but when i tried to launch its still say its missing it.. any ideas how to fix this ?
frank43 so this looks like a great thing to try, but i have one big question. Since you have to login to use it, does any of the footage get sent anywhere? I.e should one not use this with home made movies 😛
y0ullneverguess I was able to DL this and run it on Parallels (Mac) but it does freeze, does anyone know of any scripting programs working for mac?
doublevr y0ullneverguess the app is no longer in service. We are working on the new app which will be released soon
stephan9507 I keep getting a message that says "user already logged in" Is there a way around this or how do I make this work.
thatoculusdude stephan9507 Radium088 stephan0795 Tigertailz Read the comment by @doublevr. It's right on top of yours: the app is no longer in service. We are working on the new app which will be released soon New app:
Radium088 I have an issue pop up the last couple of days every time I try and use the app the sign in box pops up and when I put in my information a notice comes up and says I am all ready logged on and then nothing the box just stays there.