damian Jericho13 That's not a problem. For a lot of Windows software and programs you need to have the .net framework installed to make it run properly. Can be easily downloaded from the Microsoft website.
Jess1987 i keep getting the undefined error text when i try to login i have a confirmed vendors account but can't seem to login to the AI Script app ...
sitemper doublevr Awesome! Could you add / edit the links to the tutorial? The Dropbox link does not work (anymore)...
withy doublevr Nice! I have made lots of those lol So, we just log in with our regular username/password?
bruce rawrzy Hey. Please send email to support@sexlikereal.com. We need your SLR email to check what's wrong.
3cmbick2 I have installed the dot net 6 frame work but when i tried to launch its still say its missing it.. any ideas how to fix this ?
frank43 so this looks like a great thing to try, but i have one big question. Since you have to login to use it, does any of the footage get sent anywhere? I.e should one not use this with home made movies 😛