Another Update.
Many users have been refunded and/or gotten their purchase added to their account. Many still have to be processed. We keep finding accounts so please contact us if you haven't already! Epoch support seems to be more aware of the issue by now.
Even though we'd prefer every one to let us handle this in a structured manner we do understand many also want to check with Epoch after waiting and waiting. Please if you do contact them, make clear this is about a known payment processing incident on 07/29 - 07/30 - 07/31 to avoid getting banned! I've seen it happen with a couple users this week. Especially when going through PayPal resolve center make this clear!
We are 99.99% sure we found all $100 and $500 overcharges now. A complete list if these has been sent to Epoch last night (Friday Aug 6)
All top-ups should get processed and be added to your balance. If you made multiple top-up attempts and want some of them refunded (because you only intended to top-up once for example) Please let us know after the funds have been added to your account balance. - As long they have not been added I can't refund them yet.
Double payments
We made a list of transactions for Epoch to be refunded and which ones to be added to your account. Since this procedure is done completely by going every payment and account one by one, this is prone to have (human) errors. On top of that, aside from us making the list by hand, Epoch now has to go over these one by one too.
The purchased item is added to your account and the double charges are refunded.
The issue is considered resolved.
The item has not been added to your account but all payments are refunded.
The issue is considered resolved. It is possible to purchase the item again.
The item has been added to your account but you did not get refunded for the double charges.
Contact us and we'll refund them