Please Feel Free to try your hand at creating your own Interactive Sex Toy Scripts, using our excellent scripting app - JoyFunScripter! (further details below)
Admin edit: You can also earn money with your scripts

It might take some time at first, but amazing scripts can be made through plenty of practice and experience that we can help provide!
We are always looking for Eager and Excited New Scripters to create scripts together at SLR!
If you end up enjoying scripting very much that you become interested in Commercial Scripting opportunities at SLR - then please don’t hesitate to message us at either: or
- In your message, Attach a Direct link your best script work(s)
- If you haven't created anything or are stuck anywhere, just reach out too for any questions or help
- We will scan your work and offer tips to improve if need be, and then provide easy info and guidelines on everything involved to officially join!
You also get fun perks like free SLR Premium membership!
If you find scripting yourself too daunting or difficult, or don’t have enough time in the day to script, you can always Make a Request or simply help support us scripters to keep the great work by purchasing any of our many regularly produced Top Quality Hand Crafted Scripts!
How to Script - Step by Step Tutorial:
This download of JoyFunScripter is for personal use only. Redistribution not allowed.
System requirements
- Windows operating system 10 and up (Windows 7 is untested - may or may not work)
- .NET Framework 4.6.2
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3
- LAV or K-Lite Video codecs
Do you have problems opening or playing videos? Try installing this first:
Quick Start Instructions
- First ensure all required software above is downloaded and installed.
- Double click “JoyFunScripter.exe” to open the Script Editor.
- Click “File” -> “Open” (or CTRL+O) to select your video in your local folder.
The Video will start playing if loaded properly. If not, then please check the section above to download additional codecs.
- Hit “Spacebar” to stop playback.
- Click or drag along the "TIMELINE/HEATMAP" to locate where there is action to be scripted. (the black space immediately above the “Play” Icon near the bottom)
- Click the "1:1" button to zoom in to the video and view the Stroke Simulator
- Use the mouse to move the simulator towards the left part of the video. (Click and hold to move)
- Move the simulator until it lines up with the action on screen. You can resize and rotate the simulator to your preference by dragging at the edges. Make sure that the arrow points towards the action. For most positions it should point downwards.
- Once the simulator is set to your liking - Click the “180 SBS” tutton to view the video in VR mode. This will only show the left eye, this is where the simulator should be.
- Now you are ready to script! Here's How:
Use the arrow keys to move to the frame that you want to insert your first point on:
Performer’s contact on tip of cock or fully outside penetration = 100
Performer’s contact touching all the way at the bottom base of cock = 0
Performer’s contact touching you at the middle of the shaft = 50
- Spacebar: Play / pause
- 0-9: Insert 0-90% point
- . or - : Insert 100% point
- Delete: Delete nearest point
- Up Arrow: Jump to next point
- Down Arrow: Jump to previous point
- Left Arrow: Jump to next frame
- Right Arrow: Jump to previous fram
After you insert your first point, press “Spacebar” or “Arrow Key right” to move to the end of the stroke
- Now insert your second point
- Rinse and repeat throughout the entire scene!
- Remember to always save often!
- To Save = Click “File” -> “Save” (or Ctrl + S) - Your progress will be saved in a “.funscript” file named the same as your video name in the same folder
Additional Tips
- Slow down your playback speed to your liking with “<” or “>” keys, or click on the playback adjustment at the bottom of the app
- After you script a section, playback the scene at a slower speed and watch the visualizer bar to see how well your script lines up with the visualizer bar movement as the bar represents the toys movements
Keyboard shortcuts
Space: Play/Pause
0-9: Insert 0-90% point
. or - : Insert 100% point
Delete: Delete nearest point
End: Move nearest point to current time
Up Arrow: Jump to next point
Down Arrow: Jump to previous point
Left Arrow: Jump to next frame
Right Arrow: Jump to previous frame
Ctrl+O: Open file(s)
Ctrl+S: Save script
D or Ctrl+D: Deselect all
Shift+Arrow Keys: Move selected points
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Keys: Move selected points (unlimited)
Page up: Jump to next frame + move nearest point with it
Page down: Jump to previous frame + move nearest point with it
Home: Insert new point based on previous stroke
Q: Switch between 180SBS and 2D
P: Show Preview
Z: Show Preview at 2x speed (Zoom)
R: Show Replay
< and >: Increase/decrease speed by 25%
Numpad + and - : Increase/decrease speed by 25%
Mouse shortcuts
Drag on graph: Make selection
Left click on graph: Set start/end of selection
Right click on graph: Deselect all
Drag on points in graph: move timing / depth
Ctrl + click on points in graph: remove point
Shift + click in graph: insert new point
Scroll on graph: Zoom in/out
Scroll on video: Zoom in/out
Drag on video: move video
Drag on simulator bar (middle): move simulator bar
Drag on simulator bar (triangle): rotate + stretch simulator bar
Drag on simulator bar (sides): change width of simulator bar
Gamepad buttons
Left Stick: Change position (direction can be changed in the simulator settings)
Right Stick: Move selected points
L3 Single click: Select all points after current time
R3 Single click: Set start/end of selection
R3 Double click: Deselect all
Start: Play/Pause
A: Insert point
B: Delete nearest point
X (Paused): Copy last stroke
Y: Move nearest point to current time
D-Pad Up: Jump to next point (if available, otherwise jump to predicted position of next point)
D-Pad Down: Jump to previous point
D-Pad Left: Jump to next frame
D-Pad Right: Jump to previous frame
RB: 1 second forward
LB: 1 second back
RB: 1 second forward