I wanted to share a few ideas today.
I saw that SLR Originals were able to shot a scene with a green background which enable to customize the background to some extends.
Also, I saw that SLR were considering deepfake contents so why not also consider scenes with massive video editing???
I mean we could crop the models with the green background and assemble that with other videos that used the same process. This could lead to extensive creations..
For example:
A} Imagine that it will be possible to see your favorite model with her twin.
B} We could shot an harem separately. Imagine shoting a model for a few minutes with a green background after the initial shot. There could be an accumulation of shot.
C} Imagine a beautiful fictive kingdom with beautiful women sitting all over the place and that could only be done with video editing,
Otherwise, I thought about some original scenarios that have not been explored too much in VR Porn.
I} Social movement
A} The idea is to bring the theme of politics in VR but in a fictive way like in Hunger Games.
The goal is to try to bring the audience in a chaotic environment first.
For example, you are a member of a social movement and your goal is to block the entry into a Senate from a fictive country. The senator found his way to escape the chaos. However his female secretary could not escape the place and has to deal with you but you would not make things easy.
B} Variation: You participate for a social movement and some iof the girls in your groups want to do extreme things to be heard by the fictive government. They will eventually remove your cloth ...
At the end of the day, you have to stay with your group overnight to keep track of the location and you will all get bored ... Some girls will improve some things.
II} World Cup
Some might protest for the human rights, some might enjoy only the sport side.
Why not creating a place where supporters from different nations could meet and have fun.
Here, the outfits should be very sexy and we saw so many pretty soccer female fans on TV.
You are a supporter from X country and you meet a supporter from another nation and you both have a crush on each other.