• SLR Backstage Pass

Ahhhhhh! My body!! I NEED THIS NOW! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Leana Lovings tweeted this. I think all these signs means we can really expect to see them soon! 👇

Dude, I have so many things to say (I'll save it for now with all my loads). But I still cannot believe my "Belly Dancers" fantasy is about to become a reality! I'm so excited! Thank you, SLR!!

Same time next week? Please! 🙏

    justsomedude101 Though I would have preferred 1 big kahuna, that is great news that it's already on deck for next week!! Thanks for the info =)


    +1 Freya Parker.

    IMO she's one of the best working today. If I rated all scenes I watch, she'd probably have the highest average of any VR performer the past 2 years.

    Damn, all of those pic's look amazing. I just cannot shake this feeling that somehow I will be let down by a scene like this again. Most of the very hyped and anticipated scenes on SLR didn't deliver and were lacking quality. I have a gut feeling that I will be disappointed again.