Rakly3 ApolloSLR I'm told that there's food in this picture, but I just don't see any... 😕 I swear! There really is!
ApolloSLR I don't know about you, but I would find it VERY hard to mix audio when the singer pulled down her dress....
Sparkstar Looks like great fun tbh! Electrician here, but this SLR VR filming crew "stuff" looks way more "interesting" lol
LordCrash ApolloSLR Is that some kind of "off-screen fucking" between the takes, to stay in the mood? I mean, I don't see a VR camera here... 😉
ApolloSLR LordCrash If I had to guess its a non-POV shot for something other than VR. But your version is more fun, so I'm gonna' roll with that.
GallinaSLR LordCrash Is that some kind of "off-screen fucking" between the takes, to stay in the mood? I mean, I don't see a VR camera here... 😉 It's BTS of a photoshoot for sex stills, so no VR camera is needed there 😀