Astro Domina + Jazmine Wilde
Astro Domina + Jazmine Wilde
#ThrowbackThursday Some real behind-the-scenes pics of tattooed hottie Vanessa Vega from her amazing #SLROriginals shoot, "Hard" Times
#ThrowbackThursday Brunette beauty April Olsen patiently waiting for the perfect booty shot to be setup
This picture perfectly illustrates why so many VR scenes feel to be too low/to close.
On first glance the camera position seems to be perfect, exactly on his eye-line.
But he is leaning back and the camera is 20 cm or so in front of his head, which is understandable, I mean you can not replace his head with a camera.
But if he would sit more upright with his head actually positioned where the camera is, his face/head would be higher.
And this is where the camera should be, not at the hight his head actually is, but on the hight his head would be if he would be at the position of the camera, so in this case 5-10cm higher.
This would fix the "head in the air" feeling of so many videos, and probably would make even shooting easier in positions like this, as the camera would be less in the way between the actors.
ibins I don't know, there is no "standard" size for a guy. He could be 1.70m or 1.80m or 1.90m. And the girl isn't supposed to see the guy's face since she should look in the camera. It would be quite weird for her to have "two" faces in front of her on a different level, the one from her scene partner and the camera mimicing the face of the later viewer of the scene. I guess it's a lot easier for the girl if both elements are basically on the same level... But that's a discussion for a different thread, bro. Let's stick to the hot and interest pics here.
LordCrash I don't know, there is no "standard" size for a guy. He could be 1.70m or 1.80m or 1.90m.
Well there is no standard size, but on average a guy is taller then a girl, especially if the girl is a tiny 1,63cm cutie.
There is no way a guy should be at or even under her eye-level in this position, unless he is extremely tiny, probably in the lowest 2% of all men.
LordCrash And the girl isn't supposed to see the guy's face since she should look in the camera.
I thought it maybe would be easier for the guy, as he does not have the camera right in his face, and some more "movement room". But as I am not an actor I obviously do not really know.
I do not think it would make much difference for the girl.
Hell yeah!
𝘟𝘹𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘯𝘢 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘦 on the SLR set
Love Bunny and I also love her natural style/make-up here. Simply gorgeous.
LordCrash hope that one finds it's way to the front of the queue soon
Willow Ryder
and Luna Fae coming your way