Question, something I've noticed: There are certain Studios that appear to have multiple Pages/studio pages up...I won't name names cause it's more about the idea in general. But, for instance, I will see scenes using the same set/room on different studios with the SAME model wearing the SAME makeup.
Is this ACTUAL different studios because it seems to me that it's literally just the same people putting out content under 3 different studios. 1 of the studios could make sense if it's focused on one particular sex act or fetish but do these studios rent out sets or something? Because I'm pretty damn sure that, if people are complaining about blandness or lack of's seems moreso the case that it's because it's the same people behind 10 percent of content across the board spread out across their different studios.
Having 3 "studios" set up that are actually run by the same people (who, don't get me wrong, actually produce some of my favorite stuff), means that users might end up having the perception that "God all of this is the same" because in is the same the same room...with the same outfit on and in the same makeup. Maybe it would help to have something more prominent on a studio page that says "From the Studio of XYZ" so that users can just immediately know who is behind he content. Some of it is SUPER obvious if you pay attention but still, the transparency there would probably help calm some peoples worries that all the studios are the same. It's not that all the studios do the same stuff, it's that 20 percent of the studios own or run multiple channels/studios/pages which gives the illusion of this massive amount of studios but it's really the same peeps (who...make really good vids but still).