• SLR Backstage Pass

FreyaSLR I know you guys are going to appreciate this one! 😃 Hazel and Freya 🤩

Edit: but seriously, what a fantastic pairing. My new personal "most hyped" scene to look forward to in a month or two.

FreyaSLR BTS with Charly Summer and Maddy May

FreyaSLR I know you guys are going to appreciate this one! 😃 Hazel and Freya 🤩

Yes! That's right! You know I'm going to do more than just appreciate these threesome scenes!🤤💦💦💦👍

And considering the amount of creampie scenes on SLR Orginals, I think it's safe to say we're going get at least one creampie scene. (I hope so!)

    n4meless8 And considering the amount of creampie scenes on SLR Orginals, I think it's safe to say we're going get at least one creampie scene. (I hope so!)

    Fingers are so crossed it already hurts... 😉