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SchnuppiLilac im not talking about 8k 120 fps, but 6k 120 fps. I have no problem streaming 6k@120fps on pcvr, but on standalone, the video just stutter like crazy. I already did the speedtest on deovr standalone, and it maxed out at 40 mbps. There's something wrong with deovr standalone app.

Are you guys able to stream 6k@120 fps on standalone vr?

    bboy7895 The speedtest results I get in DeoVR/Q3 are not really better than yours (sometimes 37, sometimes 47 Mbps) but I don't see any stuttering when streaming 6K 120 fps. What doesn't work for 120 fps or 90 fps is AI PT (masks are out of sync) but this is not a streaming speed issue.

      SchnuppiLilac Thats weird, its def not a headset issue, because it happen on my quest 2/quest 3/pico4/pico 4 ultra. I honestly just dled all of my fav 120 fps videos and watching it through dlna, so I dont get any stutter while watching it on standalone.

      Recently, I started using deovr on pcvr again and man, the 120 fps videos looks way smoother which makes it even more immersive, imo.

      AlexSLR Good Morning Sir 🙂,
      These speedtest results I'm seeing... why is no one able to get any where near their full bandwidth speeds with these CDNs? Lots of 30-50mbps... is there some kind of throttling by the CDNs?

        jnicoraxxx That's the lowest Ping I've seen... what's your location? If you don't mind 😉 ... and no VPN?

        AlexSLR Interesting... just did a test on my Samsung S23. SLR website on Firefox browser... got Ping 152, 131mbps, 119mbps. Speed test ID : 272946
        I get 300-350 on Speedtest.net no matter the server on my S23.
        CDN performance seems to be lacking on the Q3 via DeoVR for some reason...

          The last couple of nights my connection just stops and will load for 10 secs then play 5 secs over and over again.
          I had to stop and watch downloaded videos with HS. DEO just craps out after a little bit of time.
          My connection is super fast with anything else

          renstimpy11 CDN performance seems to be lacking on the Q3 via DeoVR for some reason...

          Recalled that a couple of years back when I was new there was a similar discussion in the forum and I wrote about it to support, and the response basically was that there is a bandwidth cap on streaming servers while there is no cap for downloads from the website, which would explain the different speed test results in DeoVR and on the SLR website.

          I think there is nothing wrong with capping streaming speeds at 50 Mbps, because why would you need more? Bitrate of streamed videos is capped at 30 Mbps, and PT masks and scripts won't add much. And at least for me, SLR streaming performance at max. resolutions was always perfectly fine, with no constant buffering when skimming through scenes like in the SLR hub or elsewhere. The only thing bothering me is the spinning dots (when they occur on a massive scale) but not video streaming performance as such.

          7 days later

          I have SO many questions about settings and so forth. I’ll just start with this. I ran Speedtest and results were

          406.38 down
          117.52 up
          8 ping

          I’m trying out 120fps and it’s super laggy but it seems to be amazing when it works especially running on old videos that work with 120fps.

          I have a quest 3 standalone and can’t use a PC. What are the ideal graphic settings? And yes I’ve tried searching this forum and couldn’t find or perhaps couldn’t understand because I’m not super tech savvy. Oh and using DEOvr. Thank you!

            Danronald Most 120 fps videos on SLR are max. 6K and should (theoretically) stream and play fine with your set-up and internet speed. I am saying this because my internet speed is about half of yours and I am not having any issues. Only the latest ones which are 8K (I think less than a dozen) should play choppy on Q3 but this cannot be fixed.

            What are your results of the speedtest in DeoVR?

              Danronald while in SLR on DeoVR, go to settings (gear wheel at the bottom) and their speedtest is there on the left...

                Danronald If this is about AI PT, it is not possible to download the AI PT masks. AI PT masks and scene tags are streaming only. Moreover, the AI PT masks only work properly when streaming 60 fps videos. For 90 and 120 fps, the masks are there but are not in sync with the video.