Snowdaux If you're a totally new user and using DeoVR to stream scenes, change you're 'Zoom' settings under 'Transformation' to around 75% instead of 100% this will improve image quality dramatically and also solve some of the issues of going cross eyed when the girls get close to camera.
Try increasing the sharpness to around +1.5 or to suit.
Also downloading scenes in 8k and using different VR players improves image quality over streaming significantly, but for speed streaming is getting better.
As a new user i would recommend either Skybox or Pigasus - Others would suggest Herespere which i agree with but very overwhelming to new users and probaby a bit to much to start with.
It also takes a while for you're brain and eyes to adjust to the headset, but it still won't be a perfect image especially with distant objects.
There is so much more to say, but this is a good starting point to improvements.