Here bro, another example I used multiple times to get the vision across to these directors in vr.
See how she dives into him, I want that but mover her more to side so we see her ass twerking and hip thrusting.

See how you can see her hips, dude squeezes her ass, her arm in the way, move it over his right shoulder, you can also raise cam just a tad so we get a good view of top of the ass cheeks as they twerk or hip grind

But yeah bro hope we get more, it's very very very rare it happens but if it does happen its very short. Seconds.
Do it during seated cg too, lean her in to one side and see top of her ass twerking!
And with big bootys it's amazing, dude grabs on to the cheekes and pounds away, beautiful.
Petite hotties too bro you see ass hole from that view, beautiful sight.