andman24 But the problem is that the manufacturer's toys have to be affordable,
yeah exactly. There is going to be the balance always. And at a certain point, people may not care as much as you do to loose 5 decibels but spend $$$ in some high tech to get there. Im one of them. Not trying to make a space suit, just trying to create a little more immersion.
The handy is fine, just knocks a lot when it reaches its end points. Not sure how to say it; like its top end and low end when it changes directions. Knocks a bit when moving more intensely. A little annoying, but its also possible to get use to something and tune it out, like the chirping smoke alarm or the train near your home. Im not willing to pay much for a new gen "quieter" handy any time soon when I just bout one 2 months ago for the first time. And I think a lot of people are like me, they just have to sell it on a lot of new features that I dont think will happen honestly. I just dont invision the SLR toy standing out much from the croud, it just going to be promoted like it does cause they want to $$ they are giving to handy to promote their privately owned product. Its just going to be a more expensive handy imo, but who knows, actually I hope Im wrong