mueslee For a couple of days I get this weird issue in Firefox: Unable to load the video due to connection problems. Is it just me? Much better in Chrome - but even there it happens occasionally
Vrsumo2017 mueslee I don't use Firefox bro, but have you tried the meta web browser, they updated the it and it's a good update. When I have connection problems I turn off wifi and turn it back on, or restart the modem. What's your set up, a quest 3? 🤔
Cloud76 mueslee For a couple of days I get this weird issue in Firefox: Unable to load the video due to connection problems. Same here. Also Firefox.
mueslee Vrsumo2017 Ah, I'm actually talking about PC. It's all wired up and I usually don't have any issues. But maybe something happened since the nvidia gpu update on my side - just wanted to be sure nobody else has the same problem atm...
JordanSLR mueslee, hi! Sorry to hear about the issue. Do you remember when the problem started? That happens only in the browser, is that correct? Nothing like that in the app?
mueslee JordanSLR Thanks! It only happens with the firefox browser. I think it persists since the firefox 132.0 update 6 days ago - but then I would expect more people to report...
PeeTee mueslee Same for me, firefox browser on PC 132.0. I normally use fox only to look at previews on new vids so i didnt have the need to make a report about the issue.
JordanSLR SchnuppiLilac, thanks for the info! PeeTee, mueslee, could you please check if the 132.0.1 Firefox version fixes the problem for you?
SchnuppiLilac 132.0.1 was released today which may include a fix for the Windows media playback issues