adinihsan there is an Alien game coming out soon, looks very good.
Cheers mate , will definitely watch out for that - Alien 1 & 2 are a couple of my favourite movies of all time, and Alien Isolation is a superb game in an era when gaming was at it's peak.
I've pretty much got every console alot of them new and sealed, apart from Nintendo's which is for kids or the oddballs, but lost interest with this generation due to the move to digital. If i don't own games, i won't pay - So haven't bought the PS5 or Xbox Series X and very unlikely to support gaming going forward due the the latest trend of removing disc drives.
Gaming for me is at it's lowest point i have ever known - It's not about the games anymore, it's about ways to get extra money out of customers - It's a shame, but self inflicted, all they had to do was provide a service, customers want - but a crash is coming !
Ubisoft who were definitely up there with the best publising company / developer are in serious trouble due to their push for digital and diversity, and they 'STILL DON'T GET IT' lol - They blame losses on everything but that !
Anyway, rant about the state of the gaming industry over, nothing on SLR today that interests me in the slightest 🙂
I rant because i used to love gaming... and Microsoft and Sony are doing everything they can to ruin it.
Xbox game pass is the death of Xbox, i truly believe that and if Sony carries on with the move toward multi player online gaming and diversity instead of single player masterpieces and digital only Sony PS6 or Xbox Series - who gives a shit anymore - Then... boom... the big crash !