No amount of feedback will help bridge a gap that is not salvageable.
I'll be brutally honest here. Take this as the feedback from someone who paid for one of these lifetime subscriptions and thus wonders what happened to his money.
You guys intentionally capping the browser for VR headsets makes no sense. It makes no sense because you guys still support the browser experience on computers. And it makes no sense because essentially all other VR porn websites out there still offer it. The browser experience is the norm, it's the easiest, and it's what most people probably want. To you guys it is very easy to still support this experience.
I explained all my arguments to you guys in my original post, so I will not repeat myself here since that would be a lot of text. You can instead go and read one of my messages from that thread where I gave a few reasons, here .
The summary though is that you guys are trying to build an experience that cannot beat (will never beat) the browsability of a web browser. I'm here to watch porn, find a quick video, squeeze one out, and put the headset away. Any friction that you add to that process is not welcome, and the Hub adds unnecessary friction.
I'm gonna say another thing that I suggest your company take into consideration. I'm saying this from the standpoint of a customer that wants to see you succeed. But I'm also saying this as a tech guy: are you guys looking at user metrics here? I have serious doubts that forcing the Hub on your VR users improves any engagement metric overall. I am of course speaking from a very biased point of view because, as my opinion clearly states, I passionately hate the Hub, so I'm aware I could be wrong. But I very much doubt that forcing the Hub is bringing any meaningful engagement metric up, and to me the opposite is intuitively more likely. I have a hunch that this Hub project is falling into "sunken cost fallacy" territory and some people there (PMs, engineers working on this, etc.) are simply too afraid to admit it and have decided to die on that hill instead.
@AlexSLR , to you specifically: you ask about feedback. You can read the message I linked above from the post from a year ago. You can also address this that I said in this thread, which is annoying:
It also forces you to sign in once again, which makes no sense.