diwanga If making games was even half as easy as they are to play I think a lot of us game devs would be out of the job .
Add in making a compelling optimimized VR game with interesting and satisfying sexual haptic feedback ?
I'm not saying it's impossible but if someone can pull this off they need to be in the business of selling sexual holodecks like the ones seen in minority report.
I love the idea but merging everything people enjoy about porn ( private , quick , focued, mostly passive with the goal being to nut and move on) with everything people enjoy about videogames ( interactive, exploratory, focus on problem-solving) is a complicated moneyhole that will eventually return an investment but we're barely able to create hands-free VR porn haptic devices which is a critical step for the future of sex tech .
The day you can tell a virtual assistant ( think siri) what to do to you , how hard , and how fast and just lean back as the tech gets you off then these conversations will be serious enough to entertain .
We have a long way to go.