metichemsi This is already possible, but with meta humans. All you need is a mocap suit that she wears and the software replaces the mocap person with a metahuman in realtime. You will need a pretty beefy PC (4090+ good CPU) and you can connect the headset to view it live. Its down to you whether you use the mocap software (as long as it can preview to a headset) or use UE5 with streaming and passthough (edit dont use Pixel Streaming in UE, its terrible quality).
If you want a real actress, you may have difficulty getting a full body high res scan of an actress you like (non porn models) but there is no reason why SLR couldnt scan the models and create methumans out of them, and you pay to purchase the scan model.
Edit: if you do go down UE route, dont forget to add jiggle physics to the methuman, otherwise when she does a cowgirl, nothing will'bounce'
2nd edit: Also try to use a standalone heaset when connecting to UE, because then you can walk around her when she is in the mocap, giving you true interactive 6Dof. There are loads of tuts on how to use mocap realtime replacement in UE, so you just need to learn and setup 1 empty scene with the methuman standing on a ground plane, connect and away you go. The only downside it it will set you back about $700 for a good mocap suite. You can also do realime face capture for expressions, but thats seperate headgear she would have to use and it would cause an issue when she gives you a bj, as her headgear would get in the way 🙂
I know all this as I use UE a lot and curently creating a free VR interactive Stripclub game where you can:
- Watch dances that you select
- chose your own model
- have virtual CGI interactive sex
- a cinema room that you can watch videos from your device or a website
- Currently working on the user being able to change parts of the models, such as increase breast sizes etc
- diffenent rooms in the club, such as toilets, cinema, bar area etc, all places where you can take your AI lady 🙂