In app, is there a way to only view flat content? I can toggle whether to show flat videos but they're mixed in with VR stuff and not readily apparent which is which, at least from what I see.
SLR Flat to VR: Immersive stereo, 60FPS, optimised screen, sex toy scripts
Thogapotomus just search for flat. currently no toggle. we plan adding some thousands of scenes in coming weeks. will see how things unfold
I see. When I searched for the tag yesterday, all I saw was Flat POV. It looks like Flat is the first item on the tags list (under your favorites) and not in alphabetical order, which is why I missed it.
The 3D effect on these is actually pretty cool. I never though it'd look so good. There's still a bunch without that effect though. With how many you guys are adding, is there any idea how long it'll be before they all get the 3D treatment?
Thogapotomus still putting things together to get everything functional. We are getting close to make it great.
- Edited
I'm impressed by the 3D effect that is achieved for completely flat scenes. Granted, there's a few things it doesn't work on, but some shots look almost like they were shot in VR. There's a slightly computer animated, cartoonish quality that can actually be kind of hot in some scenes.
Now is the time to collaborate with FTV Girls, I think their 4K scenes would really shine in this immersive format. Please buy their entire library!
great these 2d videos transformed into immersive 3d; but it works in streaming, and when I want to download the trailer or the full video, it doesn't work; is it only possible in streaming?
hello, has anyone tried to download one of these videos and seen 3d?
Really like the options for sizing up the screen, looks great for 2d!
Bro, that sexflex channel, yeah we need that in vr sexflexvr! Can do pov and nonpov, will be awesome with a vr cam!
Thogapotomus The 3D effect on these is actually pretty cool. I never though it'd look so good
Same here bro, i was impressed, and so many videos!
imratore VRized it.
Wonder what them 2d pov "housewives 1on1" would look like, wonder how ai pt would work on videos like that.
Really great!
Let's keep the ball rolling
Many of these videos look really great in VR. Some perspectives are just stunning. You can never enjoy it on any flat screen like that.
The plan is to get initial 10k flat videos library by the end of April and keep building engagement on top of it. Making a great boost for flat web.
Getting all the best studios and sex toy scripts.
cool stuff
I feel like they need to hire someone with some expertise in building hype, because this shit is not working.