Stalinator I guess I can't edit my edit but, I would also add that as @jnicoraxxx is stating, it's an issue when watching a video, the left playlist panel either had the 3 dot menu removed or covered by the scrollbar, you can't remove something from playlist anymore unless you are on the video itself, and do it that way.
Here is a use case, personally I'll on desktop check the videos and flag the ones I want to watch later.... as watch later. As a result my list is like 5-6 pages deep sometimes, I sort them in the Q3 app by viewing the playlist, and if I like it, I'll heart it and if I don't I'll go to the next video and remove the previous one via the menu. The reason why this is a big deal is 1. If you remove a video you are watching from the playlist, it will jump to the 1st video in the list (see 4-5 pages deep) which makes me lose my spot and is frustrating. 2. that it's much easier to click the menu --> remove from playlist then it is to open the player menu --> click playlist --> hit a very small target to uncheck it while you are in the midst of 'me time.' It's crude/funny but I think the UI should be designed with that truth in mind, what is probably intuitive for normal use is difficult for the same reasons it's difficult to drive when getting a BJ, anything requiring pointing precision should be given a big margin of error 🙂
I guess you could split the baby by making it jump to the NEXT video in the list rather than the first if the one you are watching is removed, which would be a QOL improvement anyway. But I imagine the removal or covering of the 3 dots in the left panel was a mistake and other people may value it for reasons beyond my own use case.