...my Holy Trinity are Your Mistress Awaits, Edge of Submission and Precum from the Edge. If you survive those threee, you're ready for Modern Relationship. i'd certainly go back a year or two on the SLRO's if you wanna focus your search, there was more original content being produced back then.
There's a precious few hand-scripted JAV, but they are far superior to the AI scripts (imo), notably the immense Jav Idol Friends are Staying at Our Inn!? and Three Big Tits Stepsisters Appear, each over three hours of constant JAV mindfuckery. Search under JAV with the 'Sex Toy Scripts' switched on, brings up a list of 39 hand scripted JAV.
The most amazing VR scene ever shot, in my opinion, in terms of originality, immersion, and sheer sexual shenanigans is Husband Wife Couples Sexual Massage with Therapists via One-Way Mirror . It has no equal.
I'm always reclining in bed with a Handy. i have a heavy low, three foot long wooden bench with one ended thinned down, and modified to take the Handy, so it sits neatly and firmly between my legs, and can be moved around and adjusted with my knees, held with feet, or hands, or just left to do its thing, wtvr.