xeddin1 After a long journey of not being able to find royalty free music, I decided to try my hand at making my own. Let me know what you think and if you'd like songs like this in future PMVs. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zt7dnazupzmjkn12ngsgf/GetItBaby.mp3?rlkey=anr006zw59aovoaihr4f5k2me&st=rv4hog74&dl=0
Vrsumo2017 xeddin1 Let me know what you think I'm thinking so you are a female singer? Maybe you produced a female? Maybe u used AI? Over all tho great song! 👍
xeddin1 Vrsumo2017 I used AI haha, I am glad it sounds like I or someone else could have been the singer haha