I know nothing about computers. I bought this PC just so I could use a Pimax headset. The little I do know is because of wanting to be able to watch VR porn.
I love the Handy, and when I read that there is a crazier version called the SR6. I had to buy it. 9 months ago I bought one. Then I tried getting it working. Oh boy I could tell this was not going to be easy for me to figure out. I tried to download everything. I kept installing the programs but I couldn't even get the first step to connect. I gave up after my Pimax broke. I just went and bought a Quest 3 and hooked the Handy backup.
About a month ago I saw @netcat say something on here about having a SR6. At some point I told him I had one but never got it to work. He said let's try to figure it out and get it running. It had been on the shelf for 6 months.
Through Private Discussions on here he started to walk me through it. One slow step at a time and inspired me to keep trying.
Holy shit tonight it started to move. I couldn't believe it. 9 months. I couldn't get ready fast enough.
This thing is mind blowing. I didn't even remember what all it did. I started playing the first video and realized it has a warmer. It has a button to hit to add more lube. The thing moves in 6 direction. It sucks. It twist. It fucking crazy.
There have been milestones I am sure we all have experienced when watching porn. The first time I went from VHS tapes to the internet. The next really big one was VR porn for the first time. Then I got a fleshlight. Then scripted videos with the Handy. And I want to add the SR6 machine. This thing really is a machine.
Thank you to @netcat for taking your time to help an idiot computer guy on a porn site.