So I'm not sure what the revenue process for studio content is like, but I would imagine that it is at least somewhat linked to view counts. Given how little resources SLR commits to the Trans genre here, my guess is that many studios just don't see enough return to justify releasing regularly here. That can manifest as either "we don't want to lose potential subs or re-subs to SLR" or "SLR isn't worth the effort."
If my personal response to the release of trans AI scripts is any indicator, the view counts of trans scenes are likely going to start to increase (despite the inattention given to the trans section by SLR devs). That may then drive the studios to release more content, or encourage new studios to come in. At the very least its fuel that SLR can use when negotiating with content providers.
Increased view counts driven by the addition of AI scripts may also encourage SLR devs to fix some of the issues within the trans section like no actress pages, limited sorting, ineffective search, tagging problems, etc.
Down the rabbit hole a little but it seems that the above could have a synergistic effect and result in a feedback loop with AI scripts (+ PT?), more content, better interface, more views, and more subs building off each other.