argyle43 @justsomedude101 or other support team: todays Myra Moans scene is linked to a VR In Asia scene. Can you get this in front of whomever can correct the link? Please help. Thanks
argyle43 justsomedude101 hopefully should be available soon. seems like it has now just vanished from existence. Not on the New, or the Upcoming lists. Can you check with Content crew what happened? Tasty as all those thumbnails are, Myra is needed with them 🙏🏼
justsomedude101 argyle43 Generally, when a scene is pulled due to some sort of error/encoding issue/etc. it's not added back to the "upcoming" list - it will just be reactivated once the correct file is uploaded and ready to go, which is why it doesn't show as upcoming currently.
bruce Yeet The scene has been re-processed and released. In one hour new AI script will be available for it.