thatoculusdude doublevr +1. I don't mind the storage (I already have a NAS w/ 5 TB of VR porn, I'm not desperate for a cloud storage solution), BUT including AI Scripts and AI PT sounds incredible. Sign me up!
x071419 doublevr I'm also in the same situation like @thatoculusdude, I have a local storage solution for my VR videos so not dying for cloud storage. However, AI PT is a game changer. But can there be a solution for users who only need AI Scripts/PT and not storage? There's probably quite a few datahoarders who would be need to upload several TB to get access.
SchnuppiLilac phyuggene To be fair, this is, so SLR may offer a bit more free storage for subcribers, but expectations need to be managed 🙂 At Dropbox, a 3 TB cloud drive suitable for files larger than 2 GB will cost $216. Per year.
phyuggene SchnuppiLilac At Dropbox, a 3 TB cloud drive suitable for files larger than 2 GB will cost $216. Per year. And that's with economies of scale that SLR and DeoVR are unlikely to be able to match.
FirmBark SchnuppiLilac Dropbox overcharges, you can actually get way more storage (an actual HDD) and actually paying less than that for it! NASes are your friend! (Host your own storage!)
yordlenator Hey will we be allowed to also generate scrips for censored JAV content (I understand the quality will be low but something is better than noting ;P)?
goingin Is it going to be possible to run the AI passthrough on our videos and re-download them back to our machine in that format? Or even a way to run the algorithm locally rather than needing to upload and re-download the videos? Like an application you can buy like the app Owl3d has to change 2d images to 3d. I plan on just deleting the non-passthrough versions afterward.