SadeSyu Hi! PT in the video is a mess! I also failed to upload a video, didn't check codex so my fault but I lost my Credit? Thx
kofob Hey, I'm also having problem with the passthrough mask on this Thanks for your help
Djslooty AI passthrough for this upload is really messed up.
SchnuppiLilac miskk You shouldn't get your hopes up. And in case you missed it, TransVR (the studio) and more than 50% of all trans content will be gone in less than two weeks.
legitswitch I'm having issues with AI PT in SLR Drive. The PT mask goes out of sync like 500ms more or less, resulting in it lagging behind the actress like a ghosting effect.
PigBrosProductions Hi @MatoSLR could you generate PT for these video: Thanks
MatoSLR PigBrosProductions I checked as well, and the video has AI PT and works well, did you maybe mean a different video?
PigBrosProductions MatoSLR No... but before I wrote there wasn't the logo of PT. May be I confuse the video. Thanks.
MatoSLR PigBrosProductions It is possible that it was requested by a user around the same time that you noticed that, and by the time we saw your message the PT was already generated. No prob.
doorsareopen Some scenes I've bookmarked with faulty AI PT... [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [
SchnuppiLilac Two more scenes with AI PT mask issues:
mogel Requested AI passthrough on both of my uploads but they both threw a "Failed to upload" error and have had the "In Progress" tag for several days now with no other warnings. I did re dowmload the file i uploaded and it was (as far as i can tell) still the same video that played perfectly well. Here are the links:
cessnapilot2005 purchased scene PT mask
milky97 I had done a PT AI Request for this scene in my Drive: User: Milky97 Since the beginning it wasn't working properly, but now it's just gone. Could the AI be redone for this? Not sure why the feature just disappeared from the scene.