metichemsi didnt the initial toxicology report come up clean?
Yes, and that would indicate that there were no drugs or alcohol in her system - exactly what you would expect if she had cold-turkeyed off something. Especially in the case of acute alcohol withdrawl, you'll have no alcohol in your system and still be having serious withdrawl complications. That why it's called withdrawl.
metichemsi Gee heart attacks on young people increased over 30% in the first 2 year of the pandemic.
"Cheng said that the connection between COVID-19 and heart attack deaths was “more than coincidental.”
She added, “There are a lot of things that COVID can do to the cardiovascular system. It appears to be able to increase the stickiness of the blood and increase ... the likelihood of blood clot formation. It seems to stir up inflammation in the blood vessels. It seems to also cause in some people an overwhelming stress—whether it’s related directly to the infection or situations around the infection—that can also cause a spike in blood pressure.”
Cheng told McLaughlin that people who have COVID-19 multiple times also are at higher risk of heart problems. She emphasized keeping blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar under control."
Typical anti-vax nonsense - read 10% of the article and think you found the Illuminati. She is arguing that the increase in heart problems in younger people is related to COVID, not vaccines. And I wouldn't be surprised if that was because too many of them went unvaccinated because they read some nonsense on the internet while "doing their own research"
metichemsi Coincidently, even in this small sample size they found that ALSO 30% of the patients with inflammatory heart disease were vaccinated in the previous 60 days. Even that article flat out says that heart disease is technically higher in vaccinated people lol again, regardless of how "small" the risk is that they say. haha
Statistical illiteracy is not something to be proud of. The article actually said:
"Of 67 patients identified with inflammatory heart disease, 21 (31.3%) had a SARS-Cov-2 vaccination within the previous 60 days. "
You do realize that means that of the 67 patients with inflammatory heart disease, 68.7% had NOT been vacinated in the past 60 days?
metichemsi Coincidently, even in this small sample size
The article says that:
"From a population of 1.7 million patients, 151 patients between December 15, 2020 and June 15, 2021 were diagnosed with pericarditis (n = 105) or myocarditis (n = 46) in the Intermountain Healthcare system. A total of 67 met diagnostic criteria for either pericarditis (28), myocarditis (18), or both myocarditis and pericarditis (myopericarditis; 21)"
1.7 million is not a small sample size.
"Although not statistically significant, the unvaccinated cases had a higher rate of only myocarditis (34.8% vs 9.5%), and most of these (10 of 16, 62.5%) were COVID-related myocarditis. Pericardiocentesis was performed on 2 vaccinated cases and 2 unvaccinated cases (P = .58). There were 3 deaths: 1 among the vaccinated patients and 2 among the unvaccinated patients. The death after vaccination was in 1 male 65–84 years old who had a history of chronic myelogenous leukemia with resultant transformation to acute myeloid leukemia requiring treatment complicated by severe thrombocytopenia and anemia. He died from uncontrollable bleeding. Of the unvaccinated mortality cases, both had COVID-related myocarditis; however, one, a 65- to 84-year-old male, died within 5 days of diagnosis, and the other, an 18- to 24-year-old male, died 125 days later of unreported causes but not suspected to be due to COVID or myocarditis."
So, people who were unvaccinated actually had a higher overall rate of inflammatory heart disease. Huh. And, the one vaccinated person who died was 84 and had leukemia. Im sure that had nothing to do with it. And the two unvaccinated people who died had COVID-related heart disease? Interesting - I wonder if being unvaccinated might have something to do with that?
"A greater risk of pericarditis or myocarditis follows smallpox vaccination (4 per 1000 doses), and this risk is well documented and well accepted [3, 4, 24]. There are some indications that the rate of pericarditis and myocarditis is also higher with typhoid, Japanese encephalitis, and anthrax vaccines [4]."
I guess you want us to not vaccinate for those things either, right? Smallpox and anthrax are fun.
"The cases in this study were mostly in patients who were male, middle-aged, and had hypertension as the leading comorbid condition. These characteristics were similar to those reported for myocarditis and pericarditis cases in other analysis after vaccinations [8, 11, 12]. "
I'm sure that didn't have anything to do with it, lol. Probably why they acknowledged that:
"There are some limitations to this study. First, this is an observational study; therefore, no direct causation can be determined. Moreover, significant associations could be spurious or confounded by other factors not accounted for in the analyses."
Anti-vaxxers always seem to skip that part. Correlation does not equal causation. Remember that when "doing your own research"
"Moreover, the small risk of poor outcomes post-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-related inflammatory heart disease is eclipsed by the risk of contracting COVID-19 and, with it, the associated, severe consequences."
That kind of sounds like they acknowledge a small risk, but warn that the risk of being unvaccinated is WAY higher. What a surprise!
How small?
Well, the risk of hospial-acqired pneumonia is about 1 in 200.
The risk of bacterial infections like staph is 1 in 31 in a hospital and 1 in 43 in a nursing home.
What was the risk of inflammatory heart disease associated with (not caused by) SARS-COV-2 vaccines?
"The rate of inflammatory heart disease was 2.3 per 100 000 vaccinated patients, which was only slightly higher than the rate of myocarditis reported among the active military of 1.9"
Yeah, I'm super worried lol
I will take it as a commentary on the poor state of literacy and science education.