AlexSLRLabs Awesome, great to hear that this is an area of active experimentation! Thanks for the detailed response, much appreciated.
Makes sense that you need high precision depth to make it useful, especially at close distances. There is a reason depth maps typically represented by the reciprocal of the distance from the camera. I hadn't realized that you'd need a 16 bit channel and the video codecs are optimized for color perception. Not having personally experimented with depth estimations on "in the wild" video before, I also wonder how much effort would be needed to for calibration to eventually end up with reasonable accurate world coordinates. I can imagine its all a lot more involved that it might seem! Although those SfM techniques to a remarkably good job at it. Sounds like a fun challenge I'll pick up when current side projects allow 🙂
I have not looked into lifecast enough yet, this is a good reminder to check it out, thanks.
While thinking about this, normal information would be cool too, combined with the PT color information to apply lighting from the real surroundings to the subjects. I'm excited to see where all this goes in a few years with new developments and more capable hardware.