Vrsumo2017 Yeah i forgot about the battery, that's pretty badly thought out... it all jjust feels like and incomplete half arsed product with a crazy price tag for the guys lucky enough to have that much spare cash.
I love Apple products but this i a dud IMO, it's even heavier (without a battery) than an Q3.
I imagine what it does it will do pretty well, but why ? i 100% guarantee nobody will be using this product to be creative and to use as their main workflow, not a chance in hell.
Can it even play games yet ? not that i'm interested in that.
It's probably gonna have the best passthrough of any product but not accesible to watch the amazing Alpha channel scenes, as Apple products are usually impossible to hack. What a waste
Lets hope i'm wrong cause at the end of the day this sort of tech pushes things forward for all of us.