I go to JAV for all of the stuff that has zero chance of ever getting made in Western porn - Time Stop, NTR, slice-of-life stories, the wacky game shows. There was one movie that was shot like a real pro wrestling show. The girls would actually have matches and then afterwards, members of the audience would enter the ring and grope them.
My favorite JAV movie ever is AVOP-107. It's all shot in POV and you're visiting your girlfriend's family for the first time, which consists of her mother and six sisters. One by one, they sneak into your room at night and fool around with you. You share a bath with all of them, and then it's a big orgy at the end. I always felt like it was the best execution of the harem idea and that it would translate easily to VR. Don't just throw 9 women at me. Show me the women one by one so I can tell then apart and care about each of them.
I've also really enjoyed the gloryhole everywhere videos, where women are going about their day doing mundane things and then suddenly a dick appears from the wall. It's so novel and weird but I love it. I think it scratches that same itch that freeuse does, because it's so different from the usually overacting you see.
I think it goes without saying that generally anything that involves actual characters or story, JAV just flat-out does it better. It's why their incest stuff hits so much harder. They act like normal people and don't just abandon the premise the second penetration occurs.