Let's go back in time, shall we?
n4meless8 But what about Freya Parker, does she have teammate as well? 😏
Philip Freya couldn't make it that day, I'll make sure we get a special treatment from her as well 👌
biZZler Freya is here finally!!
You guys are hitting homeruns with the casting again.
Well, it looks like a 1 on 1 scene, but gawd damn, look at Freya Fucking Parker, my explosions will surely be lots of home runs with her, and all the girls we have seen here so far.🔥🔥🔥 Thank you guys for your efforts! Philip GallinaSLR
Yeah, definitely a home run. I like her even more! 😂😍
But remember this post by Philip Amber and SLR Originals Team are secretly warming up... I can't wait for them to finish all the background stuff so they can finally sprint and give us 8+ videos per month just like what they said themselves. Although they might be done with that already.
But I really want to see Amber Moore as soon as possible, I mean, look at her!! 😍

And I hope (I know I'm not the only one) they are also secretly reshooting Penelope Kay and

Michelle Anthony 💕

And I know that you guys know that a lot of the guys here likes creampie, but guess who likes creampie as well. (Keep scrolling down...) 💦💦💦