argyle43 recently seen on the home page…

If I wasn't a lifetime member already and I see this, and knowing that there's a high chance of seeing sweaty hot girls playing volleyball, I would instantly get a lifetime membership right away, and lose my freaking mind after finding out that this is part of the harem series.
And don't even get me started with all the possibilities... 15 gorgeous-pretty faces giving me eye-contact and smiling at me. Whispering, lifting their arms up, and teasing me with their pits and titties and more... I can picture myself in an alternative universe shouting thank you as I pay for the lifetime membership. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
argyle43 🤣😂😆 step ahead of you my brother… ordered from Amazon last week 😉

Nice fan, dude! But I feel like even with this thing, it's still wouldn't be enough to cool off... We need some water. 😝😏💦💦

And with 15 girls, we definitely need more than just a bottle of water... 😏🤣

argyle43 Wednesday 4/20, forever to be known as SLRO Takes Us To Heaven day. In five years of being blown away by VR, being completely surrounded, just me, by a dozen or more tight, young, natural beauties is all I’ve ever wanted. I am so excited I can hardly think straight. SexLikeReal: making fantasies into virtual reality, week in and week out. Love this site 💕💕💕

g2kbuffetboy I need to take Wednesday off work because this is a MONUMENTAL occasion!!! My excitement levels are beyond all normal levels of horniness!!!!
My brothers and all the harem fans, I know we love SLR, and I'm asking for the impossible...

Philip The full scene is in POV
and It cannot be explained how horny we are for this, but just promise me y'all are gonna try your best to survive playing with the Dream Volleyball Team! There are so many beautiful sight we have yet to see and experience! Harem is what keeps us alive! We need to get all the oxygen, and keep breathing in all the scent of all the harem paradise! You got this, bros! We are going to lose, and win at the same time in a few more days!! 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦