GallinaSLR What do we have here... dayum, Summer Hart!! And it didn't get
cancelled! Thanks, guys! 😍
bewitched looks great, just hope the viewer isnt the cuck?
Yeah, Agreed. I'm not a fan of that kind of voyeur-style so I'm hoping this isn't the case here. But if we are talking about BBGG, like what Alex Nash and Evan Redstar did last year, then that's a whole new different story for me. (Again, please more of that!)
Philip Tiffany Watson + Kyler Quinn - This isn't exactly the combo I was expecting, but I like what I'm seeing here! (Maybe put it on the priority list...) 🔥
I'm looking forward to watching the full video even more now! But I guess, I'll just what the preview a few more times... 😏