Hey, guys! I was watching "The Sex Files: A Dark XXX Parody" 1 and 2 w/ Kimberly Kane the other day and thought it would be cool if a studio could replicate that format in VR.
The idea is to develop some worldbuilding and the backbone of a story and then shoot vids resembling mini-series episodes. The episodes could feature different characters, but the scripts align with the big story. Everything feels cohesive and with a proper narrative structure. It's a standard mini-series focused on intimacy, sex, arousal, taboos, whatever.
Some exciting scenarios and character arcs:
- Detective or crime story (Fringe, The X-Files, True Detective)
- Journo or private investigator (Castle, Kolchak)
- Normal dudes involved in something (Stranger Things, Eyes Wide Shut, American Horror Story)
- Super dudes involved in something (Buffy, Evil, Angel)
- Family, friends, coworkers (Friends, The Big Bang Theory, Cougar Town, The Office)
- Whatever
You could tackle any preference with taboos, cosplay, 1-1, 3-1, harem, anything. It could vary from episode to episode (Ep. 2: Mulder decides to investigate on his own and gets caught by a coven of several hot witches - Scully saves the day at the end of the episode by performing some weird sexual ritual on Mulder. See you on Ep. 3).
You could even go crazy by seamlessly integrating the episodes with the BYOJ system, à la Netflix and their interactive shows.
IDK, I'd love to experience something like that 🍿