Yeah, i use a Quest 2. Looks like, that this will be the End of watching VR Porn with Funscripts,. It is no longer possible, to watch VR Porn and using Scripts, wirhout allowing DeoVR the Grant Access. So i can't use any of my 1000+ Scripts, bought from Eroscriots, CzechVR aso. Looks like the End of a nice Time 😞 I would never ever allow DeoVR to get full right to all my Media, plus i am sure, if i would let my Lawyer check this, he will tell me, rhat this is not legal in Germany
For those of you, who wants to know what the PopUp says:
To enable file management and access to non-media files use the button in the top right corner of the file manager
Or trigger it from this popup:
Allow this app to read, modify and delete all files on this device or any connected storage volumes. if granted, app may access files wirhout your explicit knowledge